Winning Online:
Insider Strategies for Dominating Online Marketing

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Online marketing Series

What You Need to Know to Win in SEO in 2023

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a bit like internal decorating. Every year the advice changes. There are new shades and techniques you must use.

Every year the advice changes. There are new shades and techniques you must use. What worked last year is out the window and what is required now shifts ever so slightly.

Who knows what might change in three months’ time, let alone next year. Sound familiar?

How to Choose the Right Keywords for Your Business

When it comes to driving traffic to your website, choosing the right keywords is key.

The right keywords can make all the difference in getting your website seen by potential customers, and ultimately, generating sales.

But how do you choose the right keywords for your business?

Is a DIY Website up to the challenge?

Many small businesses need to keep their costs low in the early days of their business. So the business owners burn the candle at both ends – plying their trade during the day, and doing their own admin and marketing at night.

But do DIY websites work? Does Google know they exist? Do they attract clicks from people looking for your products or services? The answer is: it depends!

The Best Simple Web Structure For SEO

The best way to structure your website will vary depending on your business, your products and services, your target audience, and your overall SEO goals. However, there are some basic principles that can help you create a sound structure for your website that will support your SEO efforts.

Everything You Need To Know About SEO For Hamilton Businesses

SEO is a viable digital marketing strategy to help your business achieve better visibility in the search results and most importantly drive more traffic to your website, resulting in more leads for your business.

What’s Still Right About The 22 Laws Of Branding?

The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding was written by Al Ries and Laura Ries in 1998. Surely it can’t be relevant now in the days of the internet. Can it? Certainly not, now that the internet increasingly means mobile devices, right? Although…

Get on board with FREE Online Marketing Lessons including SEO

In today’s digital age, where the internet plays a central role in connecting businesses and individuals, understanding how search engines work and how to leverage them is essential.

From deciphering the importance of keywords and optimizing your content, to understanding the nuances of on-page and off-page SEO, these free lessons will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of search engines!