Business Bounces Brand Overseas

One brand dedicated to giving tennis balls more bounce has found their brand successfully bounce from country to country generating more sales. Pressureball, an organisation offering an alternative to pressureless tennis balls recently beat their record sales. But not only did they beat it – they doubled it. 

To do this they needed to make their brand internationally friendly. To make a brand accepted all over the world is really, really difficult. It’s impossible in fact. A brand needs to adopt to foreign markets. Even McDonalds needs to adapt to fit into foreign markets – which is why they offer a Bulgogi burger in South Korea and a Kiwi burger in New Zealand. Pressureball’s website couldn’t exclude other countires. The very first step they needed to take was to use a globally recognised domain – .com. They also needed to specify on the website that pricing is in New Zealand dollars. Even their testimonials are worldwide.

This worked incredibly well for Pressureball. Pressureballs bounced all the way to England, Ireland, USA, Sweden and Japan. Talk about a wide market! And this is all thanks to the Internet.